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High temperatures have a tax on your body, therefore your body needs to work harder and, as a result, exercise feels more taxing. You'll put more strain on your heart and lungs, which increases the heart rate and makes you sweat more. Dehydration, sunstroke, sunburn and poor performance are just some of the reasons you to take warm weather seriously. Even if you're exercising at a moderate pace, you'll still work harder.
It is recommended to take precautions when the temperature exceeds roughly 27°C and when humidity levels are high (70% onwards). But some sources go even further and suggests that temperatures 15°C can impact performance negatively.
There are also some benefits for training under the sun, first of all a bit of an extra vitamin D always good for the body, also your blood plasma levels increase in how weather so you’ll get a nice boost to your endurance levels when you return to colder temperatures.
Here are some tips for running in hot weather.
Gear that's light and breathable is essential in the heat. Fabrics that wick moisture away from the body will help keep you feeling comfortable. Shirts that ventilate and dry fast are great at combating increased sweat levels.
This is good advice in any conditions but even more important when it's hot. Start slow and easy, If you're feeling good then you can pick up the pace.
Don't overtrain just because you're working out more intensely as temperatures rise, even if your goal is to run faster or farther. You won't increase your endurance anywhere near as much as you would if you began preparing at a lower level.
We would suggest starting slower than you might usually and assessing the situation after around 15 minutes.
Drinking water is very important when trying to avoid dehydration and heatstroke. In warm weather, you might want to increase this slightly because, as mentioned, you will most likely be sweating more than usual. Take water with you if you exercise. Try to hydrate before during and after the run. Use a hydration west if possible, or a belt with a bottle can also do the trick.
Be selective about when you run. Heat build up over the day, and you might think noon is the hottest part of the day but it's actually somewhere in the early afternoon. However, the sun is directly overhead at noon, so there will be less shade then. So you may want to go out in the morning or later during best to wait until the evening.
Post-run cooldown is crucial. After a run in the heat, you need to cool down by slowing your heart rate and body temperature gradually. You can do this by jogging at an easy pace for 5 minutes.
Don't forget the electrolytes! Drink lots of cold water and take salt tablets if you're sweating severely or about to exercise in hot weather. You might also eat saltier foods than usual.
We can recommend the following three trails to run in hot weather as these trails are largely covered by forest and provide shade and lower temperatures overall.
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